The Chinese Way to Serenity, Balance and Joy of Living

Qingshan Liu
Qigong grandmaster and physician from China
European representative of the Chinese Qigong Academy, Peking

Following his family's tradition he has practiced Qigong and Tai Ji Quan since his earliest childhood. He learned this thousand year old art from famous masters in China and was acknowledged as master even as a youth after he had successfully passed rigorous exams.  Qingshan Liu speaks English and German fluently.


His studies

He studied successfully in Peking

  • Western Medicine
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Acupuncture, acupressure and Tuina-Anmo-therapeutical massage

His experience

  • Teaching  Qigong since 1980s also in Europe
  • Teacher´s training since 1994
  • Seminars and teacher´s training in the USA since 1996

His program

  • Healing sounds, movements and breath are powerful combined
  • His training permits
    • to learn new movements easily
    • to have a new sight on already-known movements
    • to practise with more intensity and to make new experiences
    • to understand the effects of qigong on the organic-system as well as the psycho-somatical context

His goals

  • To enable as much people as possible to experience the balancing, self-healing power of qigong
  • Preservation of the quality and authenticity of qigong
  • To instruct teachers so that they can help others competently with qigong

More about Qingshan Liu

  • Author of  "Chinese Fitness: A Mind/Body Approach: Qigong for Healthy and Joyful Living and the video on the same theme. 
  • Inventor of the HarmonizerTM which is internationally patented and obtained prestigious prices e.g. the so called German Nobel price, the Diesel Medall.
  • Well appreciated guest of several tv-shows in Germany (ZDF, ARD)


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© Münchener Qigong Akademie (MQA®) Qingshan Liu
All rights reserved
Updated 17.11.2003